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Current Repertoire

Our music ranges from pop in English and Hebrew to traditional Jewish melodies, all arranged by members of Kol Sasson. With our rigorous song selection process every semester, we ensure that our pieces are always unique and exciting. Whether you’re looking for a vibrant and exciting sound or something more traditional, Kol Sasson has everything you need to satisfy your musical taste!


Our Current Pieces in English

Baby Why

Opb. Sarah Cothran

Arranged by: Aviel Taube, Sarah Blackman

Soloist: Sarah Blackman


Cough Syrup/The Middle

Opb. Young the Giant, Jimmy Eat World

Arranged by: Jackson Diaz, Olivia La Fiandra, Joel Rajakumar

Soloists: Joel Rajakumar, Aviel Taube


Erase Me

Opb. Lizzy McAlpine and Jacob Collier

Arranged by: Ruthie Vogel, Jackson Diaz, Michael Chernak

Soloist: Olivia La Fiandra



Opb. OneRepublic

Arranged by: Michael Chernak, Sadie Forman, Michael Schwartz

Soloist: Sadie Forman



Opb. Couch

Arranged by: Jason Kearney, Ruthie Vogel, Sarah Blackman, Jess Daninhirsch

Soloist: Sarah Blackman


Opb. Natasha Bedingfield

Arranged by: Sarah Blackman, Sadie Forman, Tekoa Sultan-Reisler

Soloist: Tekoa Sultan-Reisler


Our Current Pieces in Hebrew & Mashups

Al Ta'asi Mize Inyan

Opb. Guy & Yahel

Arranged by: Sarah Blackman, Jess Daninhirsch, Tekoa Sultan-Reisler

Soloist: Tekoa Sultan-Reisler


Bein Kodesh L'chol

Opb. Amir Dadon & Shuli Rand

Arranged by: Jason Kearney, Jess Daninhirsch

Soloists: Joel Rajakumar, Michael Chernak



Opb. Agam Buhbut

Arranged by: Michael Schwartz, Aviel Taube, Jess Daninhirsch
Soloist: Olivia La Fiandra


Mitgaga'at/Love Me Again

Opb. Natan Goshen, John Newman

Arranged by: Jackson Diaz, Aviel Taube, Olivia La Fiandra, Tekoa Sultan-Reisler, Michael Chernak

Soloists: Tekoa Sultan-Reisler, Michael Chernak


Ochila La'kel

Opb. Yeshivat Kiriyat Shemona

Arranged by: Keren Binyamin, Olivia La Fiandra, Aviel Taube

Soloist: Aviel Taube


Shachor V'Lavan

Opb. Lee B.

Arranged by: Rebecca Ashkenazy, Ruthie Vogel, Michael Chernak

Soloist: Zachary Dankowicz

Past Repertiore

Our extensive discography boasts 11 studio albums – take a moment to scroll below and check them out!

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